All Artists | Fine Art | Judy Gilley
Judy Gilley
Judy’s paintings are often inspired by ‘special places’ which hold emotional charge. Derbyshire and the Peak District are a recurring obsession because of their associations.
Judy’s landscape paintings are bold semi abstractions, usually painted in her studio with the aid of sketches, trying to capture the impact and memory of a place. She paints mainly in gouache for its vibrancy.
A second thread of her work includes still lives which may start with a traditional group of objects complemented by a zany twist. They are about how everyday familiar objects matter to us, perhaps because of the memories they hold.
Judy has exhibited in galleries and shows in London, Derbyshire, Hertfordshire and Norfolk including the Medical Art Societies’ annual exhibitions (which she often helped curate), and The Camden Image and Strand Galleries in London. She has been selected for The Derbyshire Open Exhibition and has been a guest artists at the Dovedale Arts Festival at Ilam. She ran the Avondale Galley In North London for 5 years, curating exhibitions of her own work and that of selected artists, often raising money for charities.
Judy’s work is in private collections in the UK, United States, Australia and Spain. She welcomes request to visit her studio.